Posts tagged Infastructure
North Carolina to Receive Billions of Dollars from Biden’s Infrastructure Bill

“With President Biden set to sign the bill in coming weeks, Democrats are already looking forward to projects that might benefit from the bill’s funding. One potential area of spending could be improving the 1,100 bridges across the state that the North Carolina Department of Transportation deems as being in poor condition; another might be providing broadband access to the over 400,000 North Carolinians that do not have it already.”

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Congressional Democrats Race Against the Clock to Pass Massive Expansion of Nation’s Social Safety Net

“Racing towards a self-imposed September 27th deadline of passage, Democrats in Congress are fighting tooth and nail to pass the largest expansion of the United State’s social safety net since the New Deal. The bill, with a whopping $3.5 trillion price tag, has caused divisions within the Democratic Party and has staunch opposition from Republicans in Congress — meaning the reconciliation process is likely the only path forward.”

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