Posts tagged Olympics
The Faces of a Politically Charged Winter Olympics

"Dubbed “The Genocide Olympics,” opponents cite China’s mass detention and re-education of Uygher muslims in Xinjiang as well as the country’s rampant censorship of dissidents as reasons to boycott the games. China has continued to push back, denying the existence of a genocide and limiting criticism within the country. As a result of this tension, some Olympic athletes are being pulled away from their sports and thrust into politics as they become the faces of an increasingly controversial Olympic Games.”

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China Wins Gold in COVID-19 Restrictions at the 2022 Winter Olympics

“While athletes seek to bring home a medal, China seeks to prevent COVID-19. The country reported the first local case of the highly contagious Omicron variant three weeks before the opening ceremony of the global sporting event. Most athletes and foreign nationals currently stay in a closed bubble. Nevertheless, officials are wary about Omicron, which has led to record-breaking caseloads and hospital overcrowding in North America and Europe.”

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Postponed Olympics Still Facing Political Roadblocks

“Health officials point to vaccination as the single biggest requirement for a successful games. However, Japan approved its first vaccine just last week, citing concerns that Pzifer’s trial did not include enough Asian, and specifically Japanese, participants. This delay put the country two months behind the United Kingdom and America - which worries some experts given the time crunch.”

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