11/6/23 National Newsletter: The Back Burner is Boiling Over: The Repercussions of Governmental Dysfunction are Among Us.   

The National Newsletter

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Back Burner is Boiling Over: The Repercussions of Governmental Dysfunction are Among Us.    

After a three week long House Speaker vacancy, it is no surprise that Congress is struggling to effectively address some of the nation's most pressing issues. As the aftermath from the Hawiian wildfires forces the community to build back, they are being met with substantial barriers. Hawaiians are now having to fight to preserve their rights, culture, indigenous land and local establishments from the threat of corporate development and government encroachment. Across the nation, organized labor strikes have taken root as workers protest their right to make a fair living wage, something Congress has made minimal effort to protect. And despite governmental approval of a $30 billion contract to buy new, undetectable F-35 fighter jets, the Marine Corps can’t even keep up with one jet. So what does this mean for Americans? As a gridlocked Congress attempts to maintain governance, the American people are feeling the after burn of democratic dysfunction. Wages are remaining stagnant, marginalized and indigenous communities are having to fight to be treated with dignity and respect and Congress seems to be overpromising resources to a group with questionable reliability. If anything, these events will serve as data points in determining the outcome of the upcoming 2024 election. And the living conditions this Congress has created and contributed to will undeniably be put to the test in the race against lawmakers next fall. 

Source for photo: Time Magazine

In early August, the country watched fearfully as the deadliest series of U.S. wildfires in over a century broke out across Maui. Now, nearly two months later, Hawaiian citizens not only continue to mourn their losses but are speaking out against the state government’s recovery efforts, which many say have prioritized big development companies in the wake of the disaster and could threaten local environmental and cultural rights to Maui’s resources.

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Source for photo: Lev Radin, courtesy of Oxfam America 

As a rising cost of living continues to place more and more pressure on the working class, unionizing and organized labor are a potent tool to gain necessary concessions for workers of all kinds. Workers across the country are taking advantage of collective bargaining to secure themselves against price hikes and even improve financial outlooks.

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Source for photo: Lev Radin, courtesy of Oxfam America 

As a rising cost of living continues to place more and more pressure on the working class, unionizing and organized labor are a potent tool to gain necessary concessions for workers of all kinds. Workers across the country are taking advantage of collective bargaining to secure themselves against price hikes and even improve financial outlooks.

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Why the F-35 Fighter Jet Crash Impacts Us All

By: Malea Mull, October 14, 2023

Source for photo: Bloomberg / George Frey

Due to a variety of issues, such as engine failure, the F-35 aircraft are not able to fly as often as the public would like. This can be frustrating for U.S. citizens and representatives considering there will be a total accumulation of nearly $2 trillion for the aircraft lifespan, but less than proficient use of them.

To read more click here.   

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